(no subject) James W. Maddison 08 Oct 1997 08:02 EST

I found all of the information on this list serve at the NCURA home-page.
Go to http://www.crpc.rice.edu/ncura/.  Then go to the sub-menu Eletronic
Research Administration.

-Jim Maddison
Research Administrator
Rochester Institute of Technology

At 08:28 AM 10/7/97 -0400, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
>Barbara McKinley wrote:
>> Would someone send me the instructions for subscribing/unsubscribing to
>> our listserv?  I want to include this in a handout at an administrators
>> meetings, and I've lost my archive copy.
>> Thanks.
>> BW
>> Barbara W. McKinley, M. P. H., C. R. A.
>> Administrator, Division of Molecular Virology
>> Baylor College of Medicine
>> e-mail: xxxxxx@bcm.tmc.edu
>> voice mail: 713-798-3154
>> fax: 713-798-5075
>Would you foward me these instructions I have had a lot of trouble
>trying to subscribe.  I am currently using my predecessor's mail to
>review her listserve info.
>Suzette Mauney
>Appalachian State
>Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs