Subcontract to Indian Tribe -Reply Jennifer Morgan 03 Oct 1997 23:45 EST

I recommend that you go directly to your Grants Specialist for the project
with this question.  Please let us know what he or she says, though.

Jennifer Morgan
Director of Sponsored Programs
Office of Grants & Contracts
Allegheny Campus
Allegheny Univ. of the Health Sciences
One Allegheny Center, Suite 880
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15212
412-359-1523 (voice)
412-359-1556 (fax)

>>> Valrey V Kettner <xxxxxx@IASTATE.EDU> 10/03/97 03:23pm >>>
My institution has a NIH award that involves a subcontract to an Indian
tribe.  Our boilerplate subcontract language has an Equal Opportunity
clause.  The subcontractor/tribe is requesting that this clause be
stricken, as they are a sovereign nation and this doesn't apply to them.

Has anyone else had this issue?  I would appreciate any info or cites
I could check out to further research this issue.  Please respond either to
the list serve or me directly.

Thank you.

Valrey V. Kettner
Associate Contracts & Grants Officer
221 Beardshear
Iowa State University
Ames, IA  50011-2020
(515) 294-4642 (phone)
(515) 294-8000 (fax)