Counting Award $$ Franci Farnsworth 18 Sep 1997 12:20 EST

A quick question for those of you who count the total award for a
multiple-year grants in the year awarded:  when you get an award from NIH
that's subject to the non-competing renewal requirements, do you count the
entire amount in the year awarded (consistent with the faculty perception
that they have just been awarded a large multi-year grant)?  Or do you
report only the amount that's budgeted for the first year because that's
the figure at the top of the award notice (if so, how do you handle faculty
recognition -- announce the major award once and suppress the supplemental
continuation requests in future years?  or give them credit each year some
more dollars come in, even though it's not a "new" grant)?   The same
question holds for NSF continuing grants -- the award letter is for the
one-year amount but FastLane shows the 3-year total...???

[I realize that we just had a discussion about this but I'm still not clear
about how people are handling R29's and NSF continuing grants.]

Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Grants Office - Forest Hall
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT  05753

Tel:  802-443-5889
Fax:  802-443-2081