Re: macs Rosemary Ruff 08 Sep 1997 21:54 EST

Ruth -

One of my PIs reported a problem uploading when he used Windows 3.11.  He
had installed the 32 bit version of Acrobat instead of the 16 bit one by
mistake.  When he realized what he had done, a reinstallation didn't do
the trick.  However, when he ported the pdf file to a PC running Win95 the
file uploaded with no problems.

This suggestion may be way off base but just in case...

On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Ruth Tallman wrote:

> Hello again,
> thank you all for your responses to my previous "help!" request.  I don't know
> if we'll have enough time to get a response for this question.  It's IGERT
> again and we're having trouble uploading MacIntosh files.  We have converted
> the Mac file to a Word file and then to a PDF file via Acrobat Writer.  It
> still won't upload.  Any suggestions?
> Ruth Tallman
> Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
> Lehigh University
> 526 Brodhead Ave.
> Bethlehem, PA  18015
> Phone: 610-758-3024
> FAX:   610-758-5994
> E-Mail:

Rosemary H. Ruff                   VOICE: 334-844-4438
Assistant Director                 FAX:   334-844-5953
Contracts & Grants Administration  EMAIL:
Auburn University, AL 36849-5131
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fructuosis potiri potes!