Question about Tracking Nonrespondents on a Mailed Survey Hoese, Jayne C. 11 Aug 1997 16:45 EST

 I am planning to mail a questionnaire on health and health care to a
sample of employees whose employer prefers that they remain anonymous.
 To track nonrespondents, I'm considering enclosing a reply card to be
returned separately from the questionnaire.  The card will have boxes to
check saying that the questionnaire has been returned or that the person
prefers not to participate.

I don't have any experience with this process and am wondering what to
expect.  What effect will this process have on the response rate?  How
conscientious will people be about returning both the questionnaire and
the reply card?  Any advice will be appreciated.  Thank you.

Please do not respond to this email, but email directly to

Elizabeth A. Kind, MS, RN
Institute for Research and Education, HealthSystem Minnesota