Re: matching funds Barbara Gray 27 May 1997 08:48 EST


We have had a number of Research Corp grants over the past several years.
Have never heard of this, either.  Our match usually consists of equipment
purchase, supplies, travel, etc, but never has been room and board for the
students.  We are a public institution, but I've never seen a
differentiation in grant guidelines between types of institutions.

I've had PIs who have come up with these kinds of allegations before.  I
always ask them to tell me what other institutions are doing this so that I
can call their sponsored programs offices to see how it is done and how I
might be able to help the PI out.  Not once have I ever had a PI give me a
concrete answer--this has always ended the discussion.  I'll bet your PI
would be hard pressed to name any of these "private institutions" for you
to check out!

Barbara H. Gray                            Telephone:   803-953-5673
Director of Sponsored Programs      Fax:            803-953-6577
College of Charleston                     e-mail:
Charleston, SC  29424