FWD>matching funds Alex Thompson 26 May 1997 10:31 EST

Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>matching funds

As I tell my eight-year old daughter at least once a day, "Just because
everyone else is doing it doesn't mean that you are going to do it." Your
faculty member is probably not going to like the answer any more than my
daughter does but... if your right, you're right.  Check your own state
law/regs, you may find some guidance there.

We're certainly NOT doing it.  In Georgia (according to our VP for Business
and Finance's interpretation), the waiver of the cost of room and board is
seen as a gratuity and as such would violate state law.  In a situation where
the fundor required such a match we negotiated to cost-share in an area other
than room and board; if the fundor had insisted on the room and board
cost-share we would have had to refuse the grant.

Lots o' luck!

Alexandra Thompson
Armstrong Atlantic State University

Date: 5/23/97 6:15 PM
From: Research Administration Discus
Hello Everyone!
It is 4:44, Friday afternoon before the Memorial Day weekend, so of course
it was time for one of our most demanding young researchers to pop over
with one of the strangest requests I have had for awhile... he is insisting
that he must have a University match for proposals to Research Corporation
and the NSF in the form of room and board for the summer for an undergraduate
student.  He says that "all the private institutions" are now doing this
to prove their commitment to the specific research project.

Now, forgive me if I am a bit backward, but I have only been in this line
of work for about six years, and I have never, ever seen or heard of
a University match of this type before.  Equipment,of course, tuition, yes,
even stipend, sometimes... but room and board for an undergrad?  Are there
other institutions out there which are doing this?

Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.  A quick response
would also be quite helpful, since, of course, he has waited till the last
minute to ask the question.  Thanks for any input anyone can provide...

Patricia Hagen
Director, Office of Research Services
Saint Louis University

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Date:         Fri, 23 May 1997 16:57:32 -0600
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X-From:       "Patricia Hagen, Research Services" <xxxxxx@SLU.EDU>
Organization: SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY  St. Louis, MO
Subject:      matching funds
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