NIH 3% vs 4% yearly increases -Reply Dianne Sims 20 May 1997 09:52 EST

Yes, there is an article in the Health Grants and Contracts Weekly, Vol.
20, No. 19, dated May 12, 1997.  The title of the article is " New
Research Grant Increases Dip At NIH Despite Budget Growth"

Dianne R. Sims
Grants and Contracts Specialist
Office of Grants Management
U.T. Southwestern Med Ctr
at Dallas
(214)648-3644 phone
(214)648-3362 fax

>>> Research Administration Discussion Group
<> 05/19/97 11:51am >>>
Has anyone seen anything official concerning the strong suggestions
by NIH that yearly budget increases over the course of a grant be
limited to 3% ?  Apparently, they are still accepting applications
with 4% increases but a recent announcement of "funding strategies"
has finally mentioned the change to 3%.  Still, I am expecting
something more formal and firm.
Charles Hathaway, Ph.D.
Grants Development
Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene
New York State Psychiatric Institute
722 W. 168th St.
New York, NY 10032
(212) 960-5807