Re: Electronic Institutional Rounting/Approval Charles E. Graham 07 May 1997 13:39 EST

Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
So am I! But I won't post a "mee too" message!

We just concluded an experiment with a Lotus Notes application for this
purpose. It has lots of potential, but some major disadvantages.

Someone here has decided to push Notes as an institutional strategy. The
trouble is the cost and difficulty of deploying it and the horsepower
one needs to use it. So I really dont think it will be a routing

The other problem is that one needs to route the proposal as well. Notes
cannot handle that. So I don't think electronic routing will be feasable
for us until we can build proposals electronically locally and thereby
have an electronic cc to review on a central server. As you know that is
another whole challenge.

Nevertheless I would be interested in views you receive or develop -
maybe there are some strategies we haven't considered.


 * Charles E. Graham, PhD., DSc.              xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU
 * Director, Office of Sponsored Research/OSR
 * Interim Chair, Institutional Review Board
 * 117 David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
 * Baton Rouge, LA 70810
 * 504-388-8692    FAX: 503-388-6792
 * OSR Server:     gopher: