Federal Indirect Cost Rates Richard Chute 05 May 1997 09:57 EST

Hi!  I am new to this list and would like some assistance with the
following question.

I am working with some faculty members on funding issues, and the
question of our federal indirect cost agreement has come up in
discussions.  One of the faculty is upset that our NSF-negotiated rate is
63%, and she claims that it is abnormally high and will hurt our chances
of receiving NSF Funding.  In my experience, our rate is both higher than
some, and lower than others, but I don't really know what is truly
"average."  Could some of you share your current Federal Indirect Cost
Rates with the list?  I know some larger universities (such as UCLA where
I have worked in the past) have several rates for different kinds of
activities, so some of you may need to report several rates.

By way of background information, our botanic garden offers a graduate
program in botany (offering M.A.s and Ph.D.s) in conjunction with the
Claremont Graduate School, with all the faculty actually hired as staff
here at the Garden.  So, even though my title doesn't seem to relate to
higher education fundraising, I actually do quite a bit of it each year.

Thanks for you help!

Richard M. Chute
Director of Development
Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
1500 N. College Avenue                          Phone:  (909) 625-8767
Claremont, CA  91711                            FAX:    (909) 626-7670
xxxxxx@cgs.edu                          http://cgsweb.cgs.edu/inst/rsa/