Re: Use of U.S. Flag Carriers Jack Mumma 24 Apr 1997 07:27 EST

My simple rule of thumb:  Which carrier is on the ticket?  This is a
funny provision, since the law is openly protectionist.  Congress
passed it to give US airlines the same benefit foreign-held carriers
have in their home nations.  If the US carrier is willing to enter into
an agreement with a foreign carrier, they are gaining the benefit the
law intended.

Jack Mumma
Construction Contract Administrator
Michigan State University
Contract & Grant Administration
301 Administration Building
East Lansing, MI 48823
517 353-4416; 353-9812(fax)

-----Original Message-----
From:   Research Administration Discussion Group
Sent:   Wednesday, April 23, 1997 5:37 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject:        Use of U.S. Flag Carriers

I called a travel agency today to check on a U.S. Flag Carrier route =
after a P.I. told me that the U.S. Carrier was completely booked so he
would have to use a non-U.S. Flag Carrier. I found it hard to believe =
that there was no other American airline serving the route and earlier
in the day he had told me that his family was making the same trip via
Luftansa so he didn't see the point of flying in another plane beside =
them, etc.

The travel agent told me that Delta & Luftansa had an agreement and she
could just book the tickets as Delta and that it is done all the time.
I =
reiterated that this was under Federal funds with the U.S. Flag Carrier
restrictions. I was told that, in some cases, even when there wasn't an
agreement, they just ticketed under the originating U.S. carrier. I =
called a second travel agent and they are doing the same thing.

Is this allowable?

Val Seaquist
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Office of Research Administration