SRA Hotel/Meeting Reservations Naegel, Gary P. 15 Apr 1997 08:31 EST

This is a reminder for attendees planning on attending the SRA Northeast
Section Spring meeting in Portland, Maine (June 1-4, 1997) to send in your
hotel reservation forms to the Holiday Inn By the Bay and the SRA
registration to the SRA office in Washington, DC.    Hotel reservation forms
must be received by May 3, 1997, (fax or mail) to be included in the room
block.   The meeting registration form must be postmarked by May 2, 1997 to
avoid late fees.  For questions regarding  registration, please call Jill
Lynch at (202) 857-1173.

Gary P. Naegel
Administrator, Pharmacology
Yale School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street  P.O. 208066
New Haven, CT  06520-8066
(203) 785-4373
(203) 785-7670  FAX