A-21 Effort Reports Ellen Reinsch Friese 20 Mar 1997 13:55 EST

I would appreciate the comments of those in the group who handle A-21 effort
reports for their institutions.

We have a PI who is unwilling to certify (by signing) the effort of his
professional staff member who will be on paid maternity leave for six weeks of
the 12 week spring quarter.  The employee will be using her accrued sick leave
while on disability, in accordance with our policies and procedures.  The PI
feels he cannot certify the effort of his employee who will be paid, but not
actually "working" on the sponsored project.

The employee in question has been with the university since March 1993, paid
from numerous accounts during those years, all of which are externally funded.

Have other institutions faced this problem, and if so, how were you able to
resolve it?

Thank you for any assistance.

Ellen Reinsch Friese
Assistant Director
Research and Sponsored Programs
Wright State University
122 Allyn Hall
Dayton, OH  45435-0001

(937) 775-2425 (telephone)
(937) 775-3781 (fax)
xxxxxx@wright.edu (e-mail)