Proposal Writing Workshop Techniques Marcia L. Zuzolo 12 Mar 1997 16:14 EST

"How to Teach Proposal Writing" is the title of a workshop a
colleague and I are presenting at the Midwest SRA meeting next month.
I'd love to take a look at outlines for proposal writing workshops
that many of us do to introduce (or enhance) proposal writing skills
for faculty and researchers.

If you have an outline you're willing to share, I'd appreciate
receiving it via email ( or fax (812-855-9943).
I'd be happy to summarize any conculsions we draw after the Midwest


Marcia Landen Zuzolo
Sponsored Research Services
Bryan Hall Room 1
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
812-855-0516 (voice)
812-855-9943 (fax)

Education is igniting a flame, not filling a well. (Socrates)