Federal Executive Order 12372 Dan Snyder 14 Feb 1997 10:20 EST

Application for Federal Assistance (Form 424) has an interesting box, #16,
asking whether the application is "...subject to review by state executive
order 12372 process", and directing applicants to contact their "State
Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for this order".

I'm not familiar with the executive order, or the SPOC.  Can someone provide
a reference or explanation?  Thanks.

Daniel H. Snyder                             VOICE:  (215) 299-1065
Administrative Director                      FAX:    (215) 299-1079
Patrick Center for Environmental Research    E-MAIL: xxxxxx@say.acnatsci.org
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia  WEB:    http://www.acnatsci.org/
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA  19103-1195