Re: Start-Up Funding Susan Steiner 11 Feb 1997 17:43 EST

Yes we do and the amount varies. Around $30,000.  Susan Steiner, Cal State
|From: Research Administration Discuss
|To: Multiple recipients of list RES
|Subject: Start-Up Funding
|Date: Tuesday, February 11, 1997 2:32PM
|I am posting this message for a member of USI's chemistry department.  If
|you can provide any information, you may respond directly to me or to the
|faculty member.  We appreciate any information you may share.  If there
|is interest, I will be happy to provide summary information to the list.
|We are planning to hire a new biochemist this spring and want to know if
|any public undergraduate universities provide start-up funding to
|incoming faculty.  If your university provides startup funding, how much
|is usually allocated to a new incoming faculty member in chemistry?
|Mark D. Krahling
|Chemistry Department
|University of Southern Indiana
|8600 University Blvd.
|Evansville, IN 47712-3593
|Ph:  (812) 464-1712
|Fax: (812) 464-1960
|Peggy F. Harrel, Ph.D.
|Director of Graduate Studies and
|Coordinator of Grants and Sponsored Research
|University of Southern Indiana/8600 University Boulevard/Evansville, IN
|voice: 812-465-7016 fax: 812-464-1956 Internet:
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|X-From:       "Harrel, Peggy F." <xxxxxx@SMTP.USI.EDU>
|Organization: University of Southern Indiana
|Subject:      Start-Up Funding
|To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L <>