Re: Quattro Pro Marsha Green 03 Feb 1997 19:00 EST

 We've used Quattro Pro for our IRB/human subject data but recently
 changed over to Lotus (Excel would work great too).  QP is kind of
 cumbersome and not very workable with other software.  Data won't
 transfer over.  Maybe the newer versions are better but the one we've
 used is not very compatible with other programs (for charting, etc.)
 I think if you have to use a spreadsheet database for grants stats,
 I'd use an Excel database/spreadsheet.

 Marsha Green

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Subject: Quattro Pro
Author:  Research Administration Discussion Group
<> at SMTP-UNS
Date:    2/3/97 2:53 PM

Does anyone use QP to maintain their grant-tracking database?
Tips? Suggestions?

Martha Spalding
coordinator, sponsored programs
west virginia graduate college