Annual training / animal users martin.j@xxxxxx 11 Jan 1997 10:56 EST

As a relatively new user of this ListServe, I would like to learn from as
many other institutions as care to respond . . .

(1) Does your institution require ANNUAL training of ALL (including
long-experienced faculty and staff) users of laboratory animals?

(2) Does your institution require ANNUAL training of your Animal Care
personnel (regardless of their experience)?

Simple Y/N answers will do nicely, to save you time.

Thanks for your feedback.

{  Jon Martin, Ph.D., Research Coordinator for the Dean's Office and  }
{    Associate Professor for Microbiology                             }
{  Mercer University School of Medicine                               }
{  1550 College Street, Macon, GA  31207                              }
{                                                                     }
{  E-mail:                                  }
{  Phone/Voice-mail:  912-752-4060                                    }
{  FAX:               912-752-5487                                    }