Re: Chronicle of Higher Ed database - CD Joe Zelan 10 Jan 1997 13:18 EST

This is a useful supplement to other info sources, but is definitely
not a stand-alone product.  The latest CD lists 1857 foundations,
mostly the larger ones.  It will not be much help finding the
smaller, local and regional foundations.  It is useful for perusing
summaries of recently funded projects to see what kinds of
institutions a foundation tends to fund or preliminary to phoning
the foundation to see if your project fits their current interests.
It also contains submission guidelines for about 100 of the largest
foundations--of questionable value since many of these now have web
sites that contain the guidelines.

Joseph Zelan, Director
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
California State University, Hayward
Phone: (510)885-4211
Fax:     (510)885-4618