CUAP app J-1 Visa????? Martha Spalding 09 Jan 1997 10:26 EST

the health insurance requirements for this program state:
"The grant recipient, not USIA, is reponsible for enrolling exhange participants
in a health and accident insurance plan that meets the basic requirements
of the J-1 visa during the period of time an exchange visitor pariticpates
in the
sponsor's exchange program"

It goes on to state $$$$ amounts for each category.

Can someone enlighten me here about J-1 visa rulez & regs, and
what you all do about health ins. this is our first try at a
CUAP grant; we r a small graduate-only institution. thanks
Oh, i need this information, like, today.....of course. (chagrin)

Martha Spalding
Coordinator, Sponsored Programs
(304) 746-2519