Re: SMARTS Mary Watson 02 Jan 1997 10:00 EST

Doug - I realy appreciated this comment - you are right on track and have
motivated me to do something that I once did but have become complacent
about and realize I no longer do as much one-on-one as I once did.  I
appreciate the eye-opener and plan to get out more frequently.  (Oh my!!!
sounds like a New Year's RESOLUTION!!!!!)

Mary H. Watson
At 10:47 AM 12/28/96 -0600, Research Administration Discussion Group sent a
message saying:
*I believe you will get your best response, i.e. more active users of
*SMARTS, by leaving your office and visiting your customer where they
*conduct _their_ business, in their office.  Don't expect many people to
*slog their way through new software or programs without a little
*handholding.  Go to their office and walk them through the process; run a
*few sample queries.  Offer to revisit them and answer their questions.
*They will learn how to use it on the machine they normally use, not
*someone else's in some computer lab.
*Can you afford the time and effort to do this for every interested person?
*I would hope so.  Run the numbers: time spent teaching them to use the
*system on their own against the hours you would spend running individual
*queries.  If you cannot afford to do this for everyone then train a few in
*each department that can then train, or at least answer basic questions,
*for their colleagues.  Pick the Chair, first adopters, those respected and
*deferred to.
*The bottom line is to get out of your office and  visit your faculty, your
*your CUSTOMERS in their own territory.  They will be very greatful and
*remember this extra effort you put forth on their behalf.  You'll also
*learn quite a bit about the people you assist from visiting them at their
*home away from home.
*The strategy applies equally well to any other new policy or procedure you
*wish to introduce.
*Doug Wilde

Mary H. Watson, Ph.D                                Phone: 912-333-7837
Director, Grants and Contracts                       Fax:  912-245-3853
Valdosta State University                            Co-Owner, Grants-L
Valdosta   GA   31698                                 Owner,  VSUTITLE4
