Re: Publication policies Paplauskas,Leonard 18 Nov 1996 07:48 EST

Not enough information here.  From what you've written, it sounds like
research misconduct, i.e., sounds like PI did not give student any
authorship.  This would be research misconduct, pure and simple.

OTOH, I don't think you've given us all the details.

Len Paplauksas
Asst. VP for Research
UCONN Health Center
From: Research Administration Discuss
To: Multiple recipients of list RES
Subject: Publication policies
Date: Friday, November 15, 1996 4:54PM

Hello:   We are reviewing our publications policy and would like to know
how other institutions handle the issue of faculty and the graduate research
assistant publication rights.  In other words, how does your institution
handle a faculty member that puts his/her name on a paper a grad student
wrote then submits it for publication under their own name.

I look forward to your responses.

Eleanor Cicinsky
Temple University
Research Office.