Re: WANTED: The definitive source of information <Pine.A32.3.93-heb-2.07.961030155449.53606B-10 Andrew J. Grant 31 Oct 1996 11:44 EST


The definitive source is the tax return required by the Internal Revenue
Service of all foundations - form 990.  All other sources, other than any
reports or guidelines published by the foundation itself, are derivative of
the 990 and the foundation's own material.  Of the secondary sources, I
consider the Foundation Center materials the best, especially their CD-ROM

990s are available through the Foundation Center and the IRS, but are
cumbersome to access.  The entire community of foundation fund raisers
eagerly awaits some product that packages the 990s, either over the Internet
or on CD.

Andrew J. Grant, Ph.D.
Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway, New York, New York 10027
Voice: (212) 678-8934; FAX: (212) 678-8941
E-mail: (Andrew J. Grant)
Date: 10/31/96
Time: 8:44:29 AM