Re: core facilities Maureen Baronas 30 Oct 1996 09:00 EST

I assisted in starting up a core facility about three years ago.  For each
person using the facility they were required to fill out a form that included an
internal billing number or the proper external information.  I was in charge of
gathering all this information and creating some sort of system for billing out.
The internal people were the biggest problem because source numbers are
constantly changing and hunting PI's down for this information, for terminated
source numbers, became a big part of this process.  For these internal people,
we did journal entries.  This seemed the easiest way of doing it and then sent
each PI a copy of the invoice.  For external people the system was much easier.
Send them an invoice and they sent a check.  I have since left this position and
am not sure how they are handling it now.  I tried to set up some sort of
database to keep track of the internal people that warned me when a source
number was going to expire.

I hope I have helped some.  If you want more information you can contact me by
e-mail of call me at (617) 638-4585.

Maureen Baronas
Research Administrator
Boston University Medical Campus
Subject: core facilities
From:    Research Administration Discussion Group                <resadm-> at med-mail
Date:    10/29/96  7:19 PM

We are establishing a core facility for scanning electron microscopy and
thinking of initiating a chargeback system.  If any of you out there have a
facility and a chargeback system can you let me know what methods you use.

You can e-mail me directly at

Thank you.
Debra Linzer
U.T.M.D.Anderson Cancer Center-173
1515 Holcombe,
Houston, TX  77030