Grant Managers: Equity in workload -Reply Laura Mahoney 29 Oct 1996 07:53 EST

Experience has determined which research offices have more or less
sponsored project activity.  Each of our three Grant/Contract
Administrators have at least one highly active office and the rest are
divided up accordingly.  Also, when we run the Quarterly and Annual
reports we also do a sort by Grant/Contract Administrator to determine
the percentage (numbers and dollars) of proposals and awards that are
handled by each administrator.  Although I'm probably not answering
your question -- in summary, I'd have to say that experience with various
offices has been the best way to dole out the work.

Laura Mahoney
Grant and Contract Specialist
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution

>>> Research Administration Discussion Group
<> 10/28/96 12:14pm >>>
Does anyone have a method of assigning awards to your various grant /
contract managers that addresses the fact that some grants / contracts
are much more difficult ( and / or time consuming)  to manage than
others?  In other words, how do you determine that there is equity in the
work load of your various grant / contract managers?

Thanks for your help

Bob E. Wolfson ; Executive Director
Old Dominion University Research Foundation
P.O. Box 6369 / 800 West 46 Street; Norfolk, Virginia 23508-0369
(V) (757)-683-4293 ext: 500; (F) (757) 683-5290