Re: F&A Cost Rate on Subawards Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D. 28 Oct 1996 07:45 EST

we use our full federal research rate on the first $25K of the first subaward to
each recipient during each renewal cycle, i.e., on a new 5 yr grant we would
only charge that F&A cost rate on the first $25K of the first year sub - subs
to the same recipient for years 2-5 would not have any of our F&A cost charged
to them.

I would be interested in a compilation of your responses.

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.              VOICE:    (419) 381-4252
Assoc. V.P. for Research           FAX:      (419) 381-4262
Professor of Pharmacology          e-mail:   xxxxxx@GEMINI.MCO.EDU
Medical College of Ohio            WEB:
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614