Position Announcement Deanna S. Benson 25 Oct 1996 15:22 EST

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Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 15:48:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Hugh P. Campbell" <xxxxxx@UDel.Edu>
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Subject: Position Announcement

 Assistant Project Manager
 Office of the Vice Provost for Research

The University of Delaware invites applications for the position
of Assistant Project Manager within the Office of the Vice
Provost for Research.  The Assistant Project Manager reports to a
Project Manager to provide support for the Project Manager on all
aspects of a contracts and grants administration process that is
based on a single-point-of-contact service delivery model.  The
Assistant Project Manager has responsibility for compiling and
analyzing data and for providing recommendations for approval of
all documents required in a process that begins with the creation
of proposals and concludes with the archiving of awards.

Responsibilities:  Assistant Project Managers are responsible for
compiling, verifying, and correlating relevant data for all
project management transactions; for assisting faculty and staff
with the development of requests to sponsors concerning sponsored
accounts and working with sponsors to ensure that such requests
meet compliance requirements; for analyzing individual accounts
and preparing reports required by sponsors; and for providing
advice and assistance to faculty, staff, and students concerning
policies, procedures, and sponsor rules and regulations in the
preparation and submission of proposals and the administration of

Qualifications:  A bachelor's degree is preferred.  Three years
of contracts and grants experience in a university, federal
agency, or foundation is desirable.  Equivalent, related
experience of a minimum of five years will be considered.
Personal computer experience with database, word-processing, and
spreadsheet applications is required.  Excellent oral and written
skills are also required.  Knowledge of accounting principles is
desired.  The ability to assist in the development of tutorials
and workshops for faculty and administrators is desirable.

Starting Date:  1 December 1996

Applications:  Send letter of application, with resume and names
of three references, to Dr. George Hadjipanayis, Chair, Assistant
Project Manager Search Committee, Office of the Vice Provost for
Research, 210 Hullihen Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
19716.  Review of applications will begin immediately.  Application
materials must be received by Monday, 4 November 1996.

The University of Delaware, an Equal Opportunity Employer, encourages
applications from minority group members and women.