Re: Geo. & Eliza Gardner Foundation Fellowships Carol Davis 18 Oct 1996 07:16 EST

I have one.  Let me know if you would like me to fax it to you.

On Thu, 17
Oct 1996, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:

> I am DESPERATE to find the nomination materials for the George & Eliza
> Gardner Foundation "Howard Foundatin Fellowships."  I have just identified
> this as a potential funding source for a faculty member.  The closing date
> for nominations was listed as tomorrow, October 18, 1996.  I called to see
> if they would fax forms, but a recording tells me the office is closed until
> Monday, October 21.  However, because of the closure, they have extended the
> deadline to October 21--but there is no one there to fax me the forms!!!  If
> anyone can help me out, I will be forever grateful.  I have no information
> about the program except what is on SPIN, so any other information you have
> that would help us be competitive would be most appreciated.  My fax number
> is 803-953-6577.  Thanks!
> Barbara H. Gray                           Telephone:  803-953-5673
> Director of Sponsored Programs            FAX:        803-953-6577
> University of Charleston, SC              e-mail:
> Charleston, South Carolina  29424

Carol L. Davis, Grants Specialist               (
Sponsored Programs and Research Office           419-372-2482
106 University Hall                             FAX: 419-372-0304
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403