Formulas for pro-rating leased space & equip. maintenance Jane E. Prudhomme 18 Oct 1996 11:46 EST

Has any research office had experience with:

1) charging a portion of leased space to a grant, or

2) charging maintenance on 'special purpose' research equipment to a grant.

We would like to know if anyone has created a method
to determine how to pro-rate lease expenses or how to charge maintenance on
equipment to third party contractors. Your assistance and advice would be
greatly appreciated.  Please respond directly to the listserve if you feel
others might be interested in this question or directly to M. L. Trammell at
the University of New Orleans <>.

Thanks very much for your response.

* Jane E. Prudhomme, Director    *
* Research and Sponsored Programs  *
* University of New Orleans        *
* New Orleans, LA 70148            *
* (504) 280-7154                   *
* Internet:                *
*  Web Page:    *