tenure-track vs. research track appointments Mary T. Nemeth, CRA 15 Oct 1996 16:32 EST

hello everyone -

i'm wondering if any of you have ever come across this...  we have a
faculty member who is wondering whether or not a research-track appointment
is a good idea for him.  i won't go into all the gory details, but my
question is this - if this faculty memer is planning on submitting a K
award proposal, which must include institutional commitments, will a
research track appointment be looked upon negatively by reviewers?  since
research track appointments are solely based on monies that the faculty
member brings in, will the institutional commitment look lacking?  should
this faculty member push for a tenure track appointment.

thoughts on this?  thanks in advance for any guidance!

- mary

Mary T. Nemeth, CRA
Manager, Grants Administration
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
345 E. Superior Street, Room 1512
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone:  (312) 908-2908
FAX:    (312) 908-2208
Email:  xxxxxx@merle.acns.nwu.edu

I hope if dogs ever take over the world and they choose a king, they don't
just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good
ideas.    -- Jack Handey