Re: Terminally ill NIH P.I. Merchant, Karen 15 Oct 1996 08:17 EST


You should notify NIH as soon as possible if the PI is absent from the
project for 3 months or more.  A substitute must be proposed by the grantee
and approved by the awarding unit.  The request for the approval of a
substitute PI should include a justification for the change, the curriculum
vitae of the individual proposed and any budgetary changes proposed.  There
should not be a problem with the no-cost extension.  This letter could be
directed to either the program person or the grants management person, since
they work together.  This could be handled, in my opinion, two separate
letters.  The first being the proposed replacement and the second (after the
approval of the proposed PI), the no-cost extension.  I have never had to
submit a request such as this but I have first hand experience.  I am
normally one of the persons to approve a request such as this. :)  Good

Karen Fitzgerald Merchant
Grants Management Specialist
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
6120 Executive Blvd. Ste 400C-3
Rockville, Maryland  20752
(301)402-0909 voice  (301)402-1758 fax
email:  xxxxxx@NIH.GOV
WEB:  http:\\\grants

From: Research Administration Discussion Group
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: Terminally ill NIH P.I.
Date: Monday, October 14, 1996 14:51PM

We have an NIH P.I. who is terminally ill and will soon be unable to direct
the research in his lab.  He has a research asst. prof. working for him and
currently helping to direct the day-to-day operation of his lab and graduate
students.  We would like to retain the grant in order
to allow the research assistant professor and the P.I.'s current graduate
students to finish the work supported by the grant. The grant only runs
approximately 8 more months, but it appears to have sufficient funds to
support a no-cost extension in order to complete the work.  When are we
obligated to notify NIH of the P.I.'s situation?  Whom do we notify -
or grants management?  How do we go about proposing the research assistant
professor as a replacement P.I.?  Can all of the above be handled in a
single letter?

I would like to hear from anyone who has experience in this very unpleasant

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.              VOICE:    (419) 381-4252
Assoc. V.P. for Research           FAX:      (419) 381-4262
Professor of Pharmacology          e-mail:   xxxxxx@GEMINI.MCO.EDU
Medical College of Ohio            WEB:
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614