Re: TV Stations Phillip Myers 24 Sep 1996 19:59 EST


Our authorized university fiscal rep. signs off on the awards from CPB and
public and private contracts.

The awards go through restrictive funds accounting just like any other grant.
Charts of Accounts are established by Sponsored Programs based on a line item
budget furnished by WKYU-TV.  (Sponsored Programs verifies salaries and
fringes.)  All data on award amounts is included in our quarterly and annual

We assign a restricted grant account number for the Television Community Service
Grant each year; and another number for the National Program Production and
Acquisition Grant from CPB.  The same system is followed for the contracts.

Otherwise they are a fairly independent group.  But they are beginning to
integrate into our sponsored activities.  Recently, they have begun to do more
contracts for state agencies or private companies than in the past.  I like to
think that something about the relationship established years ago in working out
the CPB community service awards has given them the bug to go out on their own
more to break away from their previous dependence solely  on CPB.  So I believe
these annual awards through our sponsored program systems has caused a good
relationship and  enabled the station to go seeking additional funding sources.

As you know, these are highly technical, independent, and creative folks.  We
have a schedule of equipment charges that they use when we do the additional
projects.  But we stick to institutional salary and fringe rate.  And we use
either our on or off campus F & A rate.  I've found that private sponsors allow
F & A, although obviously CPB and some state agencies do not.  I've found that
our institutional salary rates are mostly higher than the station's technicians
would have charged a contract or memorandum of agreement if left to themselves.
So the the WKYU-TV staff in this Bowling Green environment is essentially happy
with this built-in incentive for doing contracts.

We also allow supplementary pay for them if they can prove the need relative to
outcomes in their project objectives.  Much of the station's staff work is at
external locations and can only be done in the evenings or on weekends when
events that they are filming occur.  But we watch it.

As we move more deeply into the distance learning environment, campus tv
stations are going to be closer to the center of many types of collaborative
grants.  So they need to be in our system in this time of change and
transitioning because of their support value for many programs on our campuses,
academic and otherwise.  It's good for them, the faculty, and for sponsored

I'd like to receive your summary.

Phil Myers, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
105 Foundation Building
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY  42101-3576
Fax:  502-745-4211
Subject: TV Stations
From:    Research Administration Discussion Group            <resadm-> at INETGW
Date:    9/24/96  5:20 PM

Like many of you, BGSU has a public television station which is part of the
university.  Our TV station is very successful at receiving competitive
award $$ from both the public and private sector.  I am wondering how you
may handle these awards??

Some specific questions I have:

who signs off on awards, the general manager of the station or does the
univ. rep.??

Do you handle annual funding from the Corp. from Public Broadcasting as a

Do these go through restrictive funds accounting???

Any insights would be appreciated. In addition, if you respond to me
directly, I will make sure to post any summary info at a later date.


Anthony M. Boccanfuso, Ph.D.
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
419-372-2481; 419-372-0304 (fax)

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