Re: Electronic Proposal Processing Sharon Kuhlenschmidt 11 Sep 1996 11:12 EST

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo is also interested in any responses to Olivia's

On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:

> I am trying to identify institutions who have developed electronic
> transmittal/approval forms  which are used to electronically process
> proposals on campus.  I have found several institutions who developed the
> electronic forms but the ones which I have seen are either downloaded and
> then completed or are completed on line and then printed for processing.
> I am specifically interested in those who developed their own systems rather
> than using commerical packages.  Please respond to me directly.
> Olivia Pope
> Director of Contracts and Grants
> Florida State University
> 2035 East Dirac Dr, 109 HMB
> Tallahassee, Florida  32310
> Voice phone (904)644-5260; Fax phone (904) 644-1464