Re: Clinical Study IDC Rates Elaine Brock 28 Aug 1996 07:47 EST

You may post the U Michigan info. Our rate has stayed at 15%. Noone has
mentioned the fact that discrepancies across the country in health care costs
may mean that it is more expensive to conduct trials in some locations
regardless of the indirect. Health care is relatively expensive in Michigan so
that even at 15% tdc of indirect we find it hard to match some of the per
patient costs some other institutions find acceptable. To increase the
indirect only to be forced to discount the direct to stay competitive would be
counterproductive. The idc issue for clincial trials is more complex than
joining together to hold the line to a particular number.

Elaine Brock
U Michigan
p (313) 764-7250
f (313) 763-4053

From: Research Administration Discussion Group on Thu, Aug 22, 1996 7:41 PM
>These are the results of a survey I conducted on this list a couple of years
>ago.  I don't know if the results are still valid.  The rate for UCONN
>Health Center is still as it was 2 years ago.
>Indirect Cost Rates for Clinical Trials - (UCHC Survey)
>Albert Einstein Medical Center     20.0%
>Baylor University             20.0%     (minimum, rate negotiated for each
>  trial)
>East Tennessee State University    22.0%
>Eastern Virginia Medical School    20.0%
>Emory University              20.0%
>Evanston Hospital
>  (Affiliate of Northwestern Univ.)     35.0%
>Indiana University School of Medicine   25.0%
>Jefferson Medical College
>    (Thomas Jefferson Univ.)       25.0%
>Medical College of Ohio       25.0%
>Northwestern University       35.0%
>Ohio State University         12.0%
>Rehab. Institute of Chgo.
>  (Affil. of Northwestern Univ.)        25.0%
>Southern Illinois University
>  School of Medicine          25.0%
>Stanford University      31.0%     (if no int. prop. terms)
>Tulane University Medical Center   25.0%     (for new contracts)
>University of Arizona         20.0%     (human subjects only)
>University of Calgary         25.0%
>University of California, Irvine   20.7%
>University of California, Los Angeles   22.5%
>University of California, San Diego     19.5%
>University of California, San Francisco26.0% (off-campus, h.s. only)
>University of California, San Francisco29.5% (on-campus, h.s. only)
>University of Colorado
>  Health Sciences Center      26.0%
>University of Connecticut
>  Health Center               26.0%
>University of Illinois        25.0%
>University of Maryland at Baltimore     20.0%
>University of Massachusetts
>  Medical Center              25.0%
>University of Michigan        15.0%
>University of Missouri        23.0%
>University of Rochester       25.0%
>University of Wisconsin       20.0%
>William Beaumont
>  Hospital, Royal Oak, MI          15.0%
>Yale University               30.0%
>MEAN =    23.6%
>STD DEV = 5.0%
>VAR =     0.3%
>MEDIAN = 25.0%
>The University of Michigan conducted a similar survey a year or two earlier
>than mine.  I have a copy, but I can't recall if they gave me permission to
>post the information.  If some one from UM confirms its OK to post it, I
>will, or perhaps they have updated theirs, and can post it.  It would be
>useful to update this information, and if anyone cares to respond directly
>to me, I will do so and post it in a few weeks.  We at UCONN have found this
>information of great value.
>Len Paplauskas
>Asst. VP for Research
>UCONN Health Center
>Farmington, CT   06030-5355
>860-679-3173 (voice)
>860-679-2670 (fax)
> ----------
>From: Research Administration Discuss
>To: Multiple recipients of list RES
>Subject: Clinical Study IDC Rates
>Date: Wednesday, August 21, 1996 1:28PM
>Dear Colleagues-
>The indirect cost rate for clincial studies at the University of
>Florida is 25% of total direct costs.  What are the rates applied to
>clinical studies at some of your institutions?  Please indicate what
>base is used.  Thanks for your help.  If there is interest I can post
>results to whoever is interested.  Thanks.
>Thomas J. Roberts, Assistant Director for Research
>University of Florida, College of Medicine
>Phone (904) 392-5398, Fax (904) 392-7427
>e-mail  ""
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>Subject:      Re: Clinical Study IDC Rates
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