Multiple Sponsors Ellen D. Rogers 16 Jul 1996 16:24 EST

Is anyone having difficulty with recording multiple sponsors on your
database? Our database is part of a University-wide system (very
inflexible).  A sponsor is entered only once, at the proposal stage.  Only
one sponsor can be entered.  We are running into a problem with dual
sponsorship.  We also have a problem when the proposal goes to one sponsor
but is funded by a different agency.

For example, a proposal is submitted to a jointly sponsored NSF/EPA
program.  Because of our limited database capability and because we sent
the proposal to NSF, we record NSF as sponsor at the proposal stage.  This
proposal is awarded, however, not with NSF funds but with EPA funds.  How
would your database handle this situation?

Changes to our database are hard to achieve as they are made by an
overtaxed computing office.

Has anyone been able to solve this problem?

Ellen D. Rogers
Office of Research
312 Main Building
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana  46556
Voice:  219-631-7432
Fax:    219-631-6630