Re: dress code and other issues of concern Lou Pellegrino 04 Jul 1996 11:08 EST

> Please, everyone, take a deep breath.  The question on dress code was
>  legitimate - but the 'fun' responses were just that - FUN.  Sure, some of
>  were a bit sarcastic and scorn probably raised its ugly head - but,
>  the responses showed a knowledge of the real problem and just a bit of levity
>  to respond.  I think we need to take in some sea air occasionally and lighten
>  up.  This is a tough business but I still enjoy a good laugh and I REALLY
>  enjoyed the picture (in my mind) of Kevin at work.  I hope we never lose the
>  ability to smile, even laugh, at ourselves!  Work would get dreadful dreadful
>  if that is the case.
> Mary Watson

Cheers for Mary Watson.  A sense of humor and perspective goes a LONG
way in a profession like ours !

Lou Pellegrino

 O o o : .
Louis Pellegrino, Director                            O
Office of Sponsored Programs                         Y_,_|[ ]|
Purdue Research Foundation/Purdue University        {|_|_|_P_|                         //-oo--OO
(317) 494-6200

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