Re: Req: Intellectual Property Information <Pine.VMS.3.91-vms-b4.960626094118.43597A-100000> Michael Odza 27 Jun 1996 00:34 EST

>Georgia Southern University currently is revising its Intellectual
>Property Policy and Procedures.  I would appreciate e-mail copies of your
>Policies and Procedures documents, along with the Disclosure form and any
>guidelines your institution uses in order to divide the proceeds between
>the institution and the individual who produces the Intellectual Property.

Howard, I would recommend visiting the web site of the Association of
University Technology Managers, which features model policies. In addition,
the university tech transfer managers have a list-serv, called techno-l,
where these questions have come up periodically--so check out the archive,
which is maintained in searchable form, free by Knowledge Express Data
ACCESS: (you'll have to fill out the
demographic info to get to the "private" site, then scroll down to the
button for Techno-l).

Michael Odza, publisher of Technology Access Report and now, Intellectual
Property Advice,, 800/733-1516,
fax 415/883-6421, 8 Digital Drive, Suite 250, Novato, CA 94949

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