Re: Clarification of PHS Po Beth Fisher 24 Jun 1996 05:43 EST

 Subject:                                Time: 11:29 AM
 OFFICE MEMO          RE> Clarification of PHS Policy on...     Date: 6/24/96

I spoke to Cindy Pond at OPRR regarding the interpretation of IV.B.1 and 2 and
she said that evaluations and inspections should be done at intervals of six
months or less in order to comply.  This means that you can have as many
inspections/evaluations as you want as long as you have at least one every six
months.  It does not mean that you can have two inspections per year as long
as each falls within a six month period.  For example, if you have an
inspection in January and another in April, you must have the next one in
October (six months from April).

Hope this helps.

Beth Fisher, Research Administrator
Central Institute for the Deaf
818 S. Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO  63110
PH:  314-977-0271
FAX:  314-977-0030