Re: FastLane Language Bill Kirby 21 Jun 1996 10:42 EST

FastLane derives its status information from status codes that are set
in NSF's main proposal and award processing system. The data in
FastLane are updated nightly, so the data are very current. The
Division Director "concur" code is set AFTER the Division Director has
ok'd (on paper) the NSF Program Officer's recommendation. At this
point the proposal has not yet physically moved to the Division of
Grants and Agreements. The DGA "received" code is set when DGA
physically receives the proposal file and logs it in to their tracking
system. Usually this is done within a day of receipt by DGA. Thus,
FastLane is usually reflecting data entry events that follow the
physical flow of paper. It would be usual, therefore, for there to be
some delay between the program approval and receipt in DGA. Two weeks
seems like it would be an unusual circumstance of some sort.

Starting in September, 10 NSF Divisions and DGA will begin testing a
fully electronic proposal file, which will essentially eliminate the
physical flow of paper. This will also eliminate or greatly reduce the
"delay" phenomena.

By the way, FastLane DOES have an intentional 10 day delay in the
notification of declination information to allow a personal
notification prior to it's showing up on the web server.

Bill Kirby

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: FastLane Language
Author:  Research Administration Discussion Group
<> at NOTE
Date:    6/19/96 7:52 PM

 With the advent of FastLane, we now have access to information
 that was once a mystery.  Once upon a time, PIs waited patiently
 for award letters or phone calls.  Now we can all watch the
 progress of proposals as they move from one desktop to another.
 Can anyone explain to me (so I can explain it to a faculty member)
 WHERE a proposal is for two weeks when it has been "concurred with
 by the cognizant Division" but "has not yet been received in the
 Division of Grants and Agreements."  e.g., does "receiving" mean a
 data entry process or a hand-me-the-file process?  (read: PI
 thinks his proposal file is lost someplace!)  Thanks to anyone who
 can give me a new line of reasoning...

 For those still unfamiliar with FastLane, I append the status

 Status As of:  06/19/96

 "  A program recommendation for award was concurred with by the
 cognizant Division/Directorate on 06/07/96. However, no award is
 ensured and the recommended amount ($*****), duration (24 months)
 and effective date (07/01/96) are subject to change. The grantee
 institution assumes any pre-award costs at its own risk. NSF may
 request additional information.

 This recommendation has not yet been received in the Division of
 Grants and Agreements.  "

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

         Elaine M. Lilly, PhD  * Faculty Grants Coordinator
         University of St. Thomas  * * *  Mail # 5045 * * *
         2115 Summit Avenue  * * *   St. Paul MN 55105-1096
         612-962-6038 * * FAX 962-5406