consulting policies Kathy Sukanek 20 Jun 1996 12:40 EST


We have recently formed a committee to begin the process of
developing a consulting policy for The University of Mississippi. A
literature search has not unearthed a great deal of current literature
on consulting policy issues or development. (A 1985 ASHE-ERIC Higher
Eudcation Report monograph is rather complete but of course dated).

Are you aware of any more recent reports/ studies of the issues
related to consulting policy development? Likewise if you have
recently gone through the process yourself, I would appreciate any
helpful hints on the best process to follow or things to avoid.

This is the year for policies at UM. First there was the conflict of
interest, and then development of a copyright policy  was begun (we
are currently in process with that one also) and now a consulting
policy. By the end of the  year we should have a lot to share as well.


Kathleen L. Sukanek
Associate Director of Research
Office of Research

University, MS 38677
Fax: (601)232-7577