Re: excess/surplus property salberts@xxxxxx 19 Jun 1996 15:10 EST

--Boundary (ID e18c+t+iYFHLy+Ph1H5yhw)
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 Hi Jane,

 We've received a substantial amount of surplus equipment from a
 variety of places.  What has made it successful is having a couple of
 PIs who were willing to go after the stuff aggressively.  All you need
 is an active DOD award to which the equipment will be assigned.  The
 person who maintains the weekly listing of available goodies is Linda
 Clark, at DRMS-SOR, phone 616-961-5936.  The list is now available
 electronically over the web, but you need to contact Linda to be
 registered.  The PI can tell Linda she is interested in certain items,
 which will be marked, but not officially reserved.  The PI then writes
 to her DOD ACO or AGO for permission to acquire the list of items, and
 some justification of how they will further the performance of the
 referenced award.  The ACO gives permission, and is supposed to issue
 a "requisition" to Linda, to formally release the items.  Hopefully,
 the items are still available.  The PI is responsible for the cost of
 shipping, so making sure the goodies are not coming from Guam is
 important.  Our ACO routinely would set a limit for how much the PI
 could spend from his grant on shipping.
 Hope this is helpful.
 Susan Alberts            
 Director, Office of Research Support       Voice: 919-684-3030
 Duke University, Box 90077                 Fax: 919-684-2418
 Durham, NC  27708-0077

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: excess/surplus property
Author: at Internet
Date:    6/18/96 2:23 PM

I'm wondering if anyone has had experience with acquiring surplus/excess
equipment from the government.  Our situation is that with the base
closings/consolidations, there is equipment coming available in San
Antonio that we would like to acquire.  Can any one give me info as to
how we make contacts, get on the "list", or just plain give me your
experiences in this area.  And, do you have to get a certain amount of
DOD funding to be eligible?

Much thanks.  I look forward to your responses.

BTW, as indicated below, I've had an institution change, but I remain the
same old Jane.

Jane Youngers
Director, Office of Grants Management
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

p.s., this is the 3rd time I've tried to send this--I guess if you are
reading it I've finally had success!!

--Boundary (ID e18c+t+iYFHLy+Ph1H5yhw)
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