Title for a Researcher Myra K. Norman 08 Jun 1996 11:33 EST

I have a department chair who is trying to bring to campus a retired
professor from another institution so that this professor can continue
his research and work with departmental faculty.  He will also be writing
research grants.  We are trying to determine what title to give to this
person.  One title suggested was "research professor".  However our VPAA
raised a concern with using "professor" in that it might look as if we
were trying to hire a faculty member when no slot was approved.  Other
title suggestions have been "research fellow" and "research scientist".
Has anyone had this situation?  What titles have been used at your

You may e-mail me directly at my address.  I will compile any responses
and post them to the discussion list.

Myra Norman, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
Middle Tennessee State University
Voice:  (615) 898-5176
email:  xxxxxx@mtsu.edu