Funding for Travel to Costa Rica Peter G. Weber, Jr. 23 May 1996 18:09 EST

I have a young recognized expert on exotic (non-native, introduced)
species who works in our Center for Wildlife Law within the Institute of
Public Law under our School of Law.  He is looking for funding (total
request $1,200)to lecture and consult at the Regional Wildlife Management
Program for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean at the National University of
Costa Rica.  If anyone happens to know of a funding source he might try
please let me know.

Peter G. Weber, Jr.
Contracts & Grants Coordinator
University of New Mexico
Office of Research Services

> By next week we'll also have a Word 6.0 version (mac and windows) available
> for downloading, from the same site.
> Jean H.
> Jean N. Humphries
> Director, Research Services
> Texas Engineering Experiment Station
> Texas A&M University System