Re: proposal review Sherry Marts 23 May 1996 08:26 EST

>Why should a central university office review and approve proposals before
>they are submitted to external sponsors?
>Martha M. Taylor,   Director               (334) 844-4438
>Contracts and Grants Administration         FAX (334) 844-5953
>307 Samford Hall
>Auburn University,  AL  36849-5131

From a sponsor's perspective:
In theory, review by the sponsored programs or grants and contracts office
helps ensure that the application has been prepared in accordance with the
sponsor's instructions and guidelines, that all ethics approvals are in place
or in process, and that the institution is prepared to take responsibility
for administering the award. We require a signature from an "institutional
official" acknowledging the repsonsibility for financial administration of
the award, in addition to the PI's signature indicating acceptance of
responsibility for conducting the proposed research.


Sherry Marts, Ph.D.
Director of Grant Programs
American Health Assistance Foundation