Newsletters: Compilation Karen Higgins 21 May 1996 10:46 EST

Newsletter information is compiled from 18 responses.  Since several
people responded to the list, I will only highlight some of the
comments.  Thank you all for your responses.

Paper Newsletter Only: 3        (one will have it on WWW by next yr)
WWW Page Only: 2
Listserv Only:  1
Paper & WWW:  7
Paper, WWW & Listserv/E-mail: 2
WWW & Listserv/E-mail:  3

Two offices also offer paper newsletters by faculty request only
(10/550 & 15/650). Two institutions said they discontinued paper
versions due to conservation efforts.

Length & Distribution varies:
4-6 pgs:  4     6-8 pgs:  2     8-10 pgs:  1    10+ pgs:  1

weekly:  2      11-12/yr:  5    9/yr:  3                4/yr:  4

Some institutions don't want to only rely on the Internet for
newsletter dispersion:
-feel that insufficient # of faculty use electronic communications to rely on
e-mail, gopher, or WWW -faculty don't necessarily make it a regular practice
to check my Grants Home Page
-hard copy delivery reminds everyone that the Grants Office does
exist AND encourages them to begin exploring the Net

Email:  send email w/brief descriptions of programs; faculty respond
to obtain more information

- 1-2 times a year publish a sample funding listing in campus staff
newsletter & ask people to subscribe to email newsletter, also promote
email newsletter at faculty orientations & workshops

-NCURA newsletter survey of offices w/a newsletter on the WWW
indicated  that they needed to have some sort of email alert system to
remind people to check the WWW page for new newsletters

- emailing newsletters to faculty (either directly or through Chairs)
is the way to go; all disgruntled faculty have to do is press
"delete".  Most would be happy to receive it via email and not have to
take the extra step to go it get off the web.

-also plan to distribute a weekly 1-page "Web alert" type document
which would go to approx. 70 Chairs & Deans

WWW:  created a comprehensive set of pages with hundreds of links to
sponsor and program information All notices include deadline and
contact information as well as hypertext links so that interested
readers may access full-text announcements and or forms or application

-with a web-ized newsletter (including links to sponsors, etc.)
emailing it doesn't make as much sense, so a reminder notice is sent
to people (who request it) to tell them to look at the WWW page for
the new newsletter

-directing users to the sponsor for program announcements relieves me
of some of the burden of archiving paper files.  Faculty/staff  can
download electronic forms as needed.

-Web statistics software can indicate which files/pages are the most
popular, server logs can show who's using the system, how frequently,

Popular newsletter content:
-biggest draw is faculty field trip reports/pictures, then the list of proposals
-(paper) newsletter generates visibility for the office
 -cartoon is a draw
-"how to write a proposal" articles

Karen Higgins
Office of Research, The University of Mississippi
125 Old Chemistry  University, MS 38677
Tel: 601/232-7482  Fax 601/232-7577