Re: Funding Newsletters Revisited Jane E. Prudhomme 13 May 1996 15:43 EST

The University of New Orleans distributes a 12-16 page newsletter to
approx. 700 faculty & staff (4 times annually).

We also plan to distribute a weekly 1-page "Web alert" type document which
would go to approx. 70 Chairs & Deans;  this is in the planning
stages & we hope to implement it sometime later this summer.  This would be
a very brief "thumbnail" listing which would be directly from our Web page.

Eventually we hope to get the entire newsletter on the Webpage, however, we
are not quite ready to do that.  First, we are still evaluating how likely it
is to be read in paper (at their leisure) vs. a Web document (if & when they
remember to check for it).  My assessment of how to do this follows how I've
seen other places have a mixture of both;  the Web might contain the
highlights and/or Table of Contents, but the paper version is still the
main version.  Secondly we'd rather sink the time (mostly mine) into making the
Web page more comprehensive in terms of many links & lots of O/R
information, than in the effort required to make the
newsletter look as nice graphically on the Web as it does in paper format.
But the main issue is still the former item, that is, what will people
respond to most.  I'm curious to see how everyone responds to this.

* Jane E. Prudhomme, Director    *
* Research and Sponsored Programs  *
* University of New Orleans        *
* New Orleans, LA 70148            *
* (504) 286-7154                   *
* Internet:                *
*  Web Page:    *