Second request for information Liane Reif-Lehrer 03 May 1996 09:36 EST

On April 24 I sent the message below, but I have had only a few responses.
If there is anyone out there who did NOT respond and can provide any
interesting information about what their university is doing with respect
to electronic grant administration, please send the information ASAP.

I am gathering data for a news article on the current status of electronic
grant administration.  I would appreciate hearing from personnel of
university grants offices about how PIs at their institution are currently
handling grant application preparation and submission and how the office is
dealing with grant administration:  Using grant forms from Internet?
commercial grant forms?  still using paper forms?  involved in pilot
studies with government funding agencies?  What's new?  what should be?  Is
anything innovative with respect to grants administration happening at your
institution that might be helpful to others?

Thanks for any information you can provide.  Please keep it as short as
possible without sacrificing clarity.

Liane Reif-Lehrer