Re: Budget Narrative format needed Andrew Grant 18 Apr 1996 11:47 EST


Your best bet to get something quickly is to check out the common grant
application published by the National Network of Grantmakers.  It's
available on the Foundation Center's web site at

It has a good budget form, and you can download all the parts of the
application.  It's an excellent model.  As far as a budget narrative is
concerned, that's just a page or two following the line-item form in
which you explain in a bit more detail your expenses, especially those
that may not be obvious.  If your education grant proposal budget
includes a line for a particle accelerator, that may need a bit of

Generally the rule of thumb is that any activity in the proposal should
have a corresponding budget item to support it.  Conversely, everything
in the budget should be linked to your activities in the proposal.

Hope this helps.

Andrew J. Grant
Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway, New York, New York 10027
Voice: (212) 678-8934; FAX: (212) 678-8941
E-mail: (Andrew J. Grant)
Date: 04/18/96
Time: 09:47:36