Re: proposal approval forms on-line Zarina Westfall 09 Apr 1996 10:50 EST

Northern Arizona University offers an on-line version of our Proposal
Approval Form for our principal investigators.  It is located on the Office
of Grant and Contract Services Home Page at the URL:  The form is compatible with either
the PC or Macintosh platforms in Microsoft Word.  That is, when the user
clicks on the "download" option, Microsoft Word is automatically launched.
Directions for each platform are provided.  The data entry sections of the
form are interactive, however, the form design is password protected.

If you have any questions about the form, it's design, or configuration of
your server to support the form, please contact me.

Zarina Westfall
Office of Grant and Contract Services
Northern Arizona University, Box 4130
Flagstaff, AZ  86011-4130
PH 520.523.8288  FAX 520.523.1075

>Has any University made their proposal approval forms available on-line to the
>entire University community?  We are looking into the possibility of adding the
>form to our Financial Management System with restrictions.  The attempt is to
>make the form interactive where it can be filled in at the screen and be
>printed out and circulated with the proposal.  It would also serve as a
>data collection device for pre and post award activity.  The idea of doing
>this did not come from our office.
>Another option would be to offer the form on our (Research Office) homepage.
>I'd like to know if other institutions offer this and if so, from where does
>it originate?
>Thank you,
> Eleanor Cicinsky
> Temple University