More info on GRANTS-L Franci Farnsworth 28 Mar 1996 11:08 EST

This list is definately still active.  I received a message from it earlier
this week and have been "corresponding" with the listproc today (it does
take a REVIEW GRANTS-L command if you want to find out if you're

However, the address I sent last week was not quite right.  Here's the one
I've been using today:


Send a message:   SUBSCRIBE GRANTS-L Your Name

That should do it.   There's not usually a lot of traffic on this list but
I have picked up some useful info on sources of funding for research

Franci Farnsworth

Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Grants Office - Forest Hall
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT  05753

Tel:  802-388-3711 x5889
Fax:  802-388-6436